Patient Care: Death and Life in the Emergency Room

Patient Care: Death and Life in the Emergency Room
By Paul Seward

Cook County ICU: 30 Years of Unforgettable Patients and Odd Cases
By Cory Franklin

I normally don’t review two books at the same time but in this case, because they are very similar in nature (and I read them for pleasure and not for NetGalley), I thought I’d write about both at the same time.

Both books are behind the scenes of being doctors in large hospitals, facing trauma and death, day after day. I enjoyed both books and would recommend both to anyone interested in medical behind-the-scenes narratives.

I will caution the reader that of the two books, the one by Dr Cory Franklin amassed a very wide-range of opinions ranging from five stars to one star. I gave it four stars because I enjoyed the ride.

I also gave Dr Seward’s book four stars. Neither are barn-burners but are a good solid read.

4/5 stars for both

Until We Come Up With Something Witty To Say…