
Disaster!: A History of Earthquakes, Floods, Plagues, and Other CatastrophesDisaster!: A History of Earthquakes, Floods, Plagues, and Other Catastrophes

by John Withington

I subscribe to quite a few Kindle Bargain Book daily e-mails in hope that I’ll find something interesting enough to spend a whole $1 on or get for free (free is good!)

I’ve always been interested in disasters, how people cope despite the odds against their survival, and the aftermath. So when Disaster!: A History of Earthquakes, Floods, Plagues, and Other Catastrophes by John Withington showed up in one of those newsletters for either for free or a buck, I figured, why not.

I just hope I didn’t spend any money on this turkey. Seriously, I read the book in an afternoon and found that I wanted my time back. About the only thing I liked about the book was the fact that the author did choose a few obscure disasters and managed to convey the information decently.

I recommend this book if you are able to get it for a decent price (preferably free) and you are interested in a fairly superficial introduction to various disasters man-made and man-created.

I give this book 3/5 stars as it really isn’t worth a second read.

(Review posted 29 November, 2015)

Until We Come Up With Something Witty To Say…